
Born in the pulsating heart of the 1980s Bronx, New York, I, the founder of this nonprofit, weathered the storms of the 90s. Growing up amidst the challenges of the crack era, In a disadvantaged community, I confronted various forms of abuse and childhood traumas. Yet, armed with an unyielding mindset and the power of positive thinking, I transcended adversity, turning my dreams into reality, and my struggles into stepping stones. 

Harnessing the lessons learned from my journey through the concrete jungle, the organization emerged in the spirit of hope and resilience. It's a vision rooted in empathy and perseverance, driven by the belief that one's past doesn't define their future. Having conquered numerous hurdles, I am committed to extending a helping hand to others in disadvantaged communities, sharing the message that today is a new day to embrace better thoughts and brighter possibilities.

 The mission? To empower individuals in disadvantaged communities, sharing the belief that each New Day brings an opportunity for positive change. 

Our story is a testament to the transformative power of overcoming adversity, inspiring others to rewrite their narratives and envision a brighter future.

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